Excellence: The Art of Being EXTRA-ordinary
By: Mylene Fernström – Excellence Specialist
We all have big dreams and we want to do wonderful things. That desire can materialize and lead to a high level using the techniques to create companies of Excellence.
My vision is that through Excellence all people can contribute to form a beautiful planet, full of quality, full of personal and emotional satisfaction. A more beautiful planet because usually Excellence brings peace of mind, brings happiness. Things that are Excellence usually do not bring you headaches.
My name is Mylene Fernström, winner of the Excellence in Volvo Cars in Sweden. I am Colombian chemical engineer and E-Commerce Manager who arrived 26 years ago for a year of university exchange in Sweden. From an early age I had a great commitment to Excellence. Since childhood I’ve had very very big dreams, I have been fascinated by large companies, great inventions and great personalities. I am convinced that this has been my engine to grow, to get where I am and to reach my achievements working in senior positions in multinational companies in Colombia and Sweden. My first job was at 3M, a leader and model of Excellence. As Oprah Winfrey says: “There are no coincidences”.
Remember: “Excellence is not an act, Excellence is a habit” -Nido Qubein
We all have different definitions of Excellence. We are in an era of avoiding stress and improving quality of life. It would be easy to say that Excellence is stressful, but it is actually the opposite: lack of Excellence is stressful and also costly on the long term. The pursuit of Excellence helps you remove many negative things in your way or on the way of your services or products. They are actually negative aspects that are causing stress and unnecessary costs. Have a creative mind and an optimizing attitude! Everything you can do better and better. Remember: “Even the most complex problems have simple solutions EXTRA-ordinary”.
That is what makes you proud of your company, your product or service?
We are not perfect but we are unique. We all want to be unique. Excellence helps you to highlight it! Search your points of Excellence, do not copy anyone! There are still many new things out there to do in the world. Contribute to the world with your own Excellence.
Excellence is achieved through analyzing what you can do to exceed the expectations of your client, your friends or society and even yourself. What is your WOW factor? This will make your customers become loyal to you and want to come back to buy your products or services. Now, do not think that this represents more costs for you. On the contrary, this is an investment that will make unforgettable and long term will increase the value of your brand!
Systematically continued this work because someone you do not know probably already admires you and wants to be like you or I have a great deal! Keep doing the best you can, paying attention to all details and remember to do the best for the people around you.
Enjoy the freedom to be wonderful. Look at yourself and say to yourself: Yes! I can! Yes! I am Big! We all have the potential to be the best version of ourselves. So do not be afraid to seek and show what your own Excellence is.